In 1983, I was born in Namtau village, Muse Township, northern Shan State. In 1993, I moved from Shan State to Mogaung Township in Kachin State. There I began attending the third grade and finished high school. In 2003, I entered the Department of Law at the University of Myitkyina. During my studies, I actively took up an Editor position for the Buga Shanan Magazinepublished by the Kachin Literature and Culture Association. In 2007, I graduated.
In 2007 I involved at the movement of opposing the adoption of the 2008 constitution. I participated in a broader advocacy movement that encouraged the public to refuse the proposed Constitution during a national referendum.
Also in 2010, I received a lawyer’s license and moved to represent a group of more than a hundred impoverished local farmers whose lands and houses were unjustly and violently occupied by Yuzana Company for large-scale mono-crop plantations. Together with two other advocates from Mandalay. I started to prosecute these land confiscation cases. We achieved minimal compensation for the farmers, but there was never much hope for a fair solution in the military-controlled Myanmar court system.
In December, 2011, I started to help a number of persons who had been arbitrarily arrested by the government military. I took family members of the victims to the Supreme Court to charge the military on the grounds of lack of writ of habeas corpus. The cases were, expectedly, rejected.
In 2012, I studied English at the Naushawng Education Network (NSEN) for 8 month. It is very effective for me. Very thank to head of school, teachers and classmates.
I were representing more than twenty people—innocent civilians and war refugees—who were arbitrarily arrested by military intelligences, government armies and polices, accused of being spies for an ethnonational rebel army and tortured brutally for confessions, in order to intimidate the broader refugee population and scare refugees into leaving larger towns. These cases of torture, humiliation, sexual abuse, and arbitrary arrest, killing have been reported in the international media and by global rights organizations. My work has since been portrayed by several Myanmar and Western media outlets; I have been interviewed by journalists from BBC, VOA, DVB, RFA and Bangkok Post, as well as by the UN. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar and various Western diplomats.
I took up responsibilities to help persons whose human rights have been violated during the current civil war and beyond, as well as to give legal consultation and legal awareness trainings to local communities. I was also taking represent for many of farmers and more than 40 Pat Jasans (Pat Jasan is an anti drug organization) who were sued by drug dealers and drug users. I joined to the Kachin Democratic Party in 2015 and competition at the election for state constituency. But not win. Now I am advocate and my serving for the people is going on.